T-shirts with long sleeves


Racerback black
Arch Enemy T-shirt | Racerback
2-3 days
Code: 5921/S
Ghost Again black d
No filter navy DR d
Devil black DR d
Slipknot T-shirt | Devil
2-3 days
Code: 5612/S
Avenged Sevenfold skulls black DR d
Pantera Skull black DR d
Pantera T-shirt | Skull
2-3 days
Code: 5489/S
Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers charcoal
Harley Davidson navy DR d
Hodina temnoty black DR
The Darkest hour T-shirt
2-3 days
Code: 5402/S
24 items total
Racerback black

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5921/S
Ghost Again black d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5915/S
No filter navy DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5678/S
Devil black DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size....

+ more
Code: 5612/S
Avenged Sevenfold skulls black DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5606/S
Pantera Skull black DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5489/S
Star Wars Imperial Stormtroopers charcoal

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5450/S
Harley Davidson navy DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5432/S
Sons of Ragnar black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5417/S
Hodina temnoty black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5402/S
The Sisters of Mercy real grey

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5378/S
Radiohead grey DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5372/S
Paul Van Dyke navy d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5369/S
Meteora black d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size....

+ more
Code: 5315/S
Lemmy Harley Davidson real grey

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size....

+ more
Code: 5294/S
Mickey black

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5282/S
Halloween R.I.P. navy DR d

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5276/S
Halloween black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 5270/S
Gibson Les Paul black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4988/S
Motorhead black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4695/S
Enjoy Cannabis grey DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4686/S
Brooklyn black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4305/S
Original motors black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4290/S
Araya black DR

You can choose from several colours and model sizes. Our T-shirts are always made of 100% cotton. Not sure about the size? Use the table below to select the correct size.

+ more
Code: 4230/S

Trička pro muže s dlouhým rukávem

Dáme ruku do ohně za to, že máte určitě dost dobrý důvod, proč jste navštívili právě tuhle kategorii. Trička pro muže s  dlouhým rukávem vás pravděpodobně zaujala rovnou z několika důvodů. Tím hlavním je určitě praktická stránka našich triček, která jsou vzdušná, vyrobená z kvalitní 100% bavlny a doplněná o atraktivní vzory a motivy.

Metalová, rocková i sportovní trička

Zaujala vás metalová či rocková tématika? Nebo dáte přednost spíše tričku s mottem nadšeného rybáře? V naší nabídce nechybí ani trička určená milovníkům sportu a cvičení. Výběr z velkého množství sportovních motivů, určitě nadchne každého sportovního nadšence!

Originální dárek v podobě personifikovaného trička

Možná ale sháníte vtipný a přitom vkusný dárek k narozeninám pro tatínka, dědečka, šéfa nebo třeba brášku, či tchána. I s tímhle vám dokáže dost dobře pomoci tahle kategorie, v níž najdete i originální trička, která můžete doplnit o rok narození oslavence. Stačí tenhle požadavek zadat do poznámky a my už se postaráme o vše ostatní.

Poradíme s výběrem správné velikosti

U každého trička si navíc můžete vybrat nejen barvu, ale také velikost. Nejste si jisti správnou velikostí? V takovém případě vám bude nápomocná naše praktická tabulka, která vám poradí se správným výběrem trička bez rukávů, které vám (nebo obdarovanému) padne doslova jako ulité.

Unikátní metoda tisku a kvalitní trička

Potřebujete další důvody, proč si vybrat některé z našich triček? Pokud ano, pak doplníme, že si dáváme na tisku trička vážně záležet! Využíváme totiž moderní technologií přímého digitálního tisku, která zaručuje vysoké rozlišení a jemné detaily vybraného motivu. Ten tiskneme na vysoce kvalitní trička ze 100% bavlny. A protože si za kvalitou odvedené práce stojíme, na jednotlivá trička poskytujeme záruku celé dva roky!